Difference: LinuxHints (1 vs. 12)

Revision 122020-03-31 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
Line: 56 to 56
 /etc/cron.daily/suse.de-snapper /etc/cron.weekly/btrfs-balance
qmail stored in /var/qmail/mailnames/

mail log /var/log/maillog




Revision 112019-09-13 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
Line: 23 to 23
  • Allow http/https through firewall
    • sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http
    • sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https
  • Write iso to bootable USB on openSUsE
    • Open SUSE Studio Imagewriter - run application


Kmail won't open folders

Revision 102019-04-08 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
Line: 20 to 20
    • chage -d 0 {username}
  • Copy disk image
    • sudo dd if=/path/of/source of=/path/of/destination bs=1M
  • Allow http/https through firewall
    • sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http
    • sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https


Kmail won't open folders

Line: 28 to 31


Merging PDF documents

gs -q -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=outputfile.pdf doc1.pdf doc2.pdf doc3.pdf ... docN.pdf
gs -q -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=outputfile.pdf doc1.pdf doc2.pdf doc3.pdf ... docN.pdf

OpenSUSE disk issues

Snapper / btrfs

Line: 40 to 42
 # limit for number cleanup NUMBER_MIN_AGE="1800" NUMBER_LIMIT="2-3"
  • Use the following commands to see what is present and disk usage;
snapper list
btrfs fi usage /
btrfs fi usage /
  • Then manually run the cronjobs, if the system gets turned off sometimes they don't run...


Revision 92017-10-03 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
Line: 30 to 30

Merging PDF documents

gs -q -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=outputfile.pdf doc1.pdf doc2.pdf doc3.pdf ... docN.pdf

OpenSUSE disk issues

Snapper / btrfs

  • Configure /etc/snapper/configs/root to use say;

# limit for number cleanup

  • Use the following commands to see what is present and disk usage;
snapper list
btrfs fi usage /

  • Then manually run the cronjobs, if the system gets turned off sometimes they don't run...




Revision 82017-09-10 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
Line: 26 to 26
  This one is mostly a matter of restarting so KMail can fetch those pesky items... Some possible steps: Use Alt + F2 or Konsole to type: kquitapp kmail, then wait a minute, then akonadictl stop, wait a minute, type akonadictl start, wait a minute, type kmail. This stops KMail (closing all windows), stops the KMail backend, starts the KMail backend, starts KMail. Having a working internet connection increases the chances of success. Sometimes, you can also just do kquitapp kmail, wait a minute, and start KMail again. Often, a few restarts seem to be needed. It is unclear what is the reason for this, but on bad network connections it is more likely to happen.


Merging PDF documents

gs -q -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=outputfile.pdf doc1.pdf doc2.pdf doc3.pdf ... docN.pdf



Revision 72016-04-04 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
Line: 18 to 18
    • passwd {username}
  • Force the user to change their password on next login
    • chage -d 0 {username}
  • Copy disk image
    • sudo dd if=/path/of/source of=/path/of/destination bs=1M


Kmail won't open folders

Revision 62015-09-23 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
    • restorecon -r < path >
    • restorecon -r < path >
  • Adding a user to an existing group
    • usermod -a -G {group} (username}
  • Listing groups a user belongs to
    • groups {username}
  • Forcing all files in a folder to belong to a group:
    • chmod g+s dir
  • Ubuntu: setting your default shell:

Revision 52015-07-23 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
Line: 17 to 17
  • Force the user to change their password on next login
    • chage -d 0 {username}


Kmail won't open folders

This one is mostly a matter of restarting so KMail can fetch those pesky items... Some possible steps: Use Alt + F2 or Konsole to type: kquitapp kmail, then wait a minute, then akonadictl stop, wait a minute, type akonadictl start, wait a minute, type kmail. This stops KMail (closing all windows), stops the KMail backend, starts the KMail backend, starts KMail. Having a working internet connection increases the chances of success. Sometimes, you can also just do kquitapp kmail, wait a minute, and start KMail again. Often, a few restarts seem to be needed. It is unclear what is the reason for this, but on bad network connections it is more likely to happen.



Revision 42015-05-01 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

  • Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:
Line: 10 to 10
  • Ubuntu: setting your default shell:
    • chsh
    • then type the path to the shell you want, ex: /bin/bash
  • Adding a user
    • useradd -c "{USER FULL NAME}" -g {group} {username}
  • set password for a user
    • passwd {username}
  • Force the user to change their password on next login
    • chage -d 0 {username}


Revision 32014-07-22 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

* Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:

    • restorecon -r < path >
  • Adding a user to an existing group
    • usermod -a -G {group} (username}
  • Forcing all files in a folder to belong to a group:
    • chmod g+s dir
  • Ubuntu: setting your default shell:
    • chsh
    • then type the path to the shell you want, ex: /bin/bash


Revision 22014-05-05 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

* Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:

Line: 7 to 7


META TOPICMOVED by="TimMcDonald" date="1399330758" from="Sandbox.LinuxHints" to="KnowledgeBase.LinuxHints"

Revision 12014-04-09 - TimMcDonald

Line: 1 to 1

Linux Hints

* Problem: Moving files into a web directory, even after changing permissions reporting a permission error when clicked on from web:

    • restorecon -r < path >


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